Learn how to Finally "Say no, without Guilt" and set Healthy Boundaries in just 7 Days so you don't burn out.....

Creating Healthy Boundaries will increase your energy, create healthier relationships and give you more time to spend on the things that matter most to you!

Challenges with Boundaries.

Do you struggle to speak up when something doesn't feel ok for you?
Do you find that others seem to take advantage of your generosity?
Have you found that others don't seem to listen or take notice of what you'd like?
Do you constantly feel that you're always the go to person for everyone?
Do you find yourself feeling exhausted and drained from over-giving?
Are you scared that others will be disappointed in you, 
if you say no?
Do you feel that you have attached your sense of worth and value as a person to how much you give to others?
Watch this short video to learn how Sal can help you to set healthy boundaries in just 7 Days. 
Sal Holden is simply my angel on earth. She has helped me through what would have been a much worse year if not for the things she taught me and the support I felt. 

I learnt how to master my thoughts and feelings, and show up for myself and my family in a way that is in-line with my heart... with my true self ❤ By far THE BEST investment I have ever made in myself... and I continue with Sal by my side for another year.
-Jenna Schade
Business Owner
Thanks Sally for your insight and wisdom and your ability to switch between guiding me in my personal life, to focusing on my work goals. You are a true inspiration... and I don't say that lightly. Keep on doing what you do! 🌷
-Jodie Persovic
Naturopath and Nutritionist
Sally Holden is an Intuitive Health Coach and Kinesiologist who has worked with 1000's of women over the last 14 years to regain their health, energy and confidence.

Along with that, she's personally invested more than $300,000 in her own education to truly understand the mind, body & nervous system connections that create powerful transformations for her clients.

She's helped elite athletes, business owners, corporate executives, naturopaths, psychologists and even medical scientists to learn how to communicate more effectively and set healthy boundaries at work and in their personal lives. 

She is so passionate about helping women to reclaim their voice, energy and empowerment after experiencing dv for 14 years of her life and feeling constantly taken advantage of by others, because she didn't know how to say no without feeling guilty or bad.

Breaking free of the Fawn survival response and letting go of her good girl/pleaser persona changed her life!

Sal is here to support more women to heal their exhaustion and relationships with the fastest and most effective tools, to set healthy boundaries and create their most joyful life. 

Is that you?

Are you exhausted and tired, of saying yes to everyone else and constantly putting yourself last? 

I suffered from people pleasing, and feeling guilty when I said no, for many years of my life and it kept me absolutely stuck in very unhealthy situations and worse still, feeling so much anger and resentment towards people I loved and cared about.

I lived in this place for years and years and often felt powerless, because if I said no to someone, I felt bad and guilty and if I said yes to someone, I would often feel so angry and resentful for over-giving and feeling so exhausted all the time, it didn’t matter either way, I would end up feeling bad.

I had NO boundaries at one point in my life, and I can tell you it was the hardest time I ever experienced. I often felt like a complete victim of the way people treated me and felt so much internal anger inside. I couldn’t understand why people didn’t treat me better when I felt I gave so much to everyone. Yet I would bottle it all up inside and put a smiley face on and pretend everything was ok…..

It was not.

I would give and give and give, and then feel like nobody was there for me when I needed them the most. I expected people would give as much as I did, and felt so abandoned, neglected, and let down, when they didn’t.

Learning about all the different types of boundaries was life changing and more importantly how to set healthy boundaries, not only meant more energy, time and happiness for myself, but also so much more confidence, self-esteem and best of all healthier and much happier relationships!!!!

I’d previously always struggled in relationships and not having healthy boundaries was the very reason why.

Spending time with certain family members can be such a huge trigger for so many people I wanted to make sure that you’ve got the resources and strategies you need, to free yourself from guilt and to set healthy boundaries when you need to.

(Guilt often causes us to drop our boundaries, so healing this is so important to honouring ourselves and our boundaries.)

Healthy Boundaries, Happy Life is a powerful course on the exact steps to understanding how to identify and set healthy boundaries for yourself. Whether that be at work, in your intimate relationship, with your kids, or with everyone!

And it’s perfect for you, if you have a big heart, are super sensitive, empathic, care deeply about others and tend to feel overly responsible for others. 

I truly believe knowing how to set healthy boundaries is a skill for life, and something that once we have learnt, we can role model with our kids, to teach them how to have healthy boundaries! 

What a gift to give them, especially when they enter adult life!

And best of all, you get the course for life! You can revisit the modules as many times as you need, to feel clear, confident and knowing exactly how to communicate effectively in your relationships and create greater connection and understanding with healthy boundaries.

Your own personal happiness will increase with no longer feeling the weight and exhaustion of attempting to keep everyone else around you happy!

I can promise you, it is life changing to know how to set healthy boundaries with others!

Sal x

Who this Course is for.... 

Are you waking up feeling dread, anxiety and completely overwhelmed each day?
Do you feel overly responsible for everyone and everything in your life?
Do you find it difficult to say no and set healthy boundaries?
Do you experience resentment and anger and feel that others take advantage of your generous nature, or just expect you to be there for them, even when you're exhausted?

Are you feeling exhausted each day, with everything you feel you need to do for others?
Do you find that you people please and self-abandon in order to keep the peace or minimise conflict with others?
Do you find relationships challenging, or that you are constantly giving in, or feeling completely overwhelmed by others needs?
Do you feel that you just want to run away from it all, or disappear for a while to just get some space? 

Have you found yourself distancing yourself from others, and socially withdrawing? 
Have you lost your ability to speak up, or stand your ground? 
Do you constantly feel on edge, hypervigilant and that you can't relax?
Do you experience pain or tightness especially in your shoulders and neck and feel overly serious, or constant worry?

Are you 100% committed to learning how to set healthy boundaries  to regain your health, energy and happiness?
Are you prepared to take full SELF-RESPONSIBILITY for your life and your health?
Are you willing to do the inner work, to set yourself FREE long term?

If you've answered YES to 2 or more of the above, this course is for YOU!

Who this ISN'T for? 

  • Women who are happy to stay stuck, exhausted and tired
  • That are more committed to staying a victim, rather than taking their power and control back
  • That aren't willing to do the inner work on what needs to be healed
  • ​That aren't prepared to create healthy changes in their life
  • ​That believe in quick fixes and magic pills

What can you expect to gain from the Course?

  • ​​​​Understand what the 4 types of boundaries are.
  • Know what gets in the way of setting and upholding boundaries                and how to overcome it.
  • ​Improve your self-esteem and rebuild your self-confidence
  • ​​Learn how to identify exactly what your own boundaries are.
  • ​Regain energy and a lightness in your body!
  • ​Let go of over-giving and taking over-responsibility for others. 
  • Radically Improve how you feel everyday.
  •  Discover a deeper sense of your most authentic self.
  • ​ Know how to let go of guilt and say no to people pleasing.
  • ​Let go of anger and resentment.
  • ​Discover how to communicate your own needs more                                assertively and create greater connection at the same time.
  • ​Develop more understanding and intimacy in your relationship.
  • Get your clarity of mind back and make decisions easily.
  •  Create healthier, mutually beneficial relationships. 
  • ​​​Develop the courage to speak your truth.
  • ​​​Learn how to shift your mindset and heal your inner critic

What's Included?

1. Why are Boundaries important?

2. Why do we struggle with Boundaries?

3. What are Boundaries?

4. Energy Flow and Boundaries.

5. Assessing your own Boundaries.

6. Setting and Communicating Boundaries.

7. Overcoming Guilt & Resistance from others.

8. Boundaries and Personal Fulfillment.

9. Integrating Boundaries into Daily Life.

BONUS Materials and Resources.


BONUS: Healthy Boundaries, Happy Life Support Group on Facebook - (Value $97)

BONUS: Lifetime access to Course -
 (Value $300)

BONUS: 15 Min 1:1 Session - (Value $87)


BONUS Materials and Resources
BONUS: 15 min 1:1 Session - (Value $87)
BONUS: Healthy Boundaries, Happy Life Support Group on Facebook - (Value $97)
  BONUS: Lifetime Access To Course Materials - (Value $300)


Price ONLY: $97


1. How long does the course go for?

The course is completely self-paced and each of the lessons are in short, easy digestible video's of 5-15mins in length. 

Most people will be able to complete the course in 7-14 days. (Total approximate time needed to complete course 4 hours. 2.5 hours Video Lessons & 1.5 hours of journaling/planning.)
 You also have lifetime access to the course materials. 

2. How long can I access the course for? 

You will have lifetime access to the course materials, although I highly recommend committing to completing the course in 7-14 days so that you can immediately benefit from what you have learnt. Having lifetime access means that you can review and revisit any of the modules when you would like to.

3. What other support is there?

You will have access to the Healthy Boundaries, Happy Life Support Group on Facebook, where you can ask questions and share your experience with other like minded women.

 Sally and her team will occasionally pop in to answer any questions or to run a free training in the group. If you are after 1:1 support or a higher level of support, we recommend you book a time in with Sally to discuss if and how she may be able to support you. You can do so by booking here: 

4. Can I share this information with others?

This information is intellectual property and is covered by copyright. No content or information from the course materials may be copied or shared with anyone outside of your immediate family. 

5. I'm in an abusive situation, will this help me?

Whilst the tools in the Healthy Boundaries, Happy Life program are incredibly helpful in any life situation and can be applied in many instances, we highly recommend seeking 1:1 assistance with a trained professional or immediately contacting the services below, to support you in your situation. 
1800 RESPECT - 1800 737 732.....Lifeline 24/7 Crisis support 131114......

6. I'm too overwhelmed already, how can I know this will help me?

Sally understands the depth and nature of the feelings of overwhelm that can arise when we are exhausted and already feel stretched. She has structured the course in small digestible amounts that will assist you in moving forward, without feeling that you have to make mammoth changes or do everything at once.

 The most important factor will be your commitment in making the decision that setting boundaries, gets to change for you. By applying what you learn in the course, you will notice small yet compounding differences that when combined together will give you a powerful shift in your health, energy and life satisfaction.

Sally always believes that less is more, when starting something new, as its the resistance to starting that most often blocks people.
If you are feeling stuck, ask yourself why this is super important for you to start to set boundaries and what the benefits will be to have your health and energy back. 

7. How much time will this take? 

Each person will be individual with the time taken on the journaling aspects and depending on where you are currently at in your personal journey and the level of self-awareness that you have. 

Most people will be able to complete the course in 7-14 days. (Total approximate time needed to complete course 4 hours. 2.5 hours Video Lessons & 1.5 hours of journaling/planning.)

 As with anything in life the more you put into the course, and the deeper you allow yourself to fully answer the questions and integrate the course material, the more profound your transformation and results. If you only skim over the course materials, and it just becomes another thing to just tick off your list, chances are your results will be minimal. Your results are up to you. 

8. Is there a money back guarantee?

There is no money back guarantee with this course, as you are receiving the full contents of the intellectual property on payment for the course, that you will have access to for a lifetime. 

Whilst Sally has taken every care and trialled and tested the course material for your best results and transformation, your personal results are up to you and are dependent on you completing and implementing the course material.  

By applying these trialled and tested strategies that Sally has utilised to support thousands of women to set healthier boundaries in their life, you will notice a powerful shift in your own life.

9. How can I know this will help me?

Sally has worked with over 3000 women in the last 12 years to help them improve their wellbeing, their health, energy and happiness. What she shares in this course are some of her most powerful and transformative strategies that she teaches her VIP 1:1 Clients that pay thousands to work with her personally. 

 Some of her clients have been naturopaths, medical scientists, elite athletes, psychologists that have all benefited greatly from her teachings and helped them overcome exhaustion and creating a life they love.

 She has also personally invested over $300,000 in her own education, to truly understand the mind/body connection and how to most effectively heal the mind, body and soul long term. 

10. I'm surrounded by negativity, will this help me cope with this?

Whilst all the tools and strategies that Sally shares in this course are incredibly powerful and will be helpful in these situations, the longer term goal, would be to absolutely be minimising the amount of negative influences in your life.

As you raise your vibration and emotional state and become more empowered to set healthy boundaries, you will no longer attract these life situations. 

Whilst Sally recognises that sometimes especially with family we cannot or do not want to cut ourself off completely from these relationships. In the course you will learn powerful strategies to have the confidence to set healthy boundaries and how to reassert these and what to do if these are continually violated. 

Client Experiences from working with Sal Holden...

I had forgotten what I really enjoyed in life and my body always felt really tense and sore, especially my shoulders and neck. I was arguing a lot with my husband and feeling really tired and everything felt like a drain and a big effort.
I’m not as reactive, I’ve really improved my relationships. I feel calmer, I feel happier, my emotions don’t rule me now, when they do come up, I can handle them. 

It really has been the best thing I’ve done for myself and my family. I’m excited to get out and do things again. I have the skills and strategies to handle all situations.
-Sarah Shuter
I was just going, going, going. Not sleeping, I thought I was in a great place, but I wasn’t, I didn’t know why and I couldn’t figure it out. I was depressed, lazy, tired and sore and had joint pain and migraines. I was just a mess and I was burned out, but didn’t know it.

  I was going to doctor after doctor, trying to figure out what was wrong. they were telling me to take this pill, take that pill. I’m off four medications, I have zero pain, unless I find myself under stress, I can now figure out what’s going on and change it.

 I have found my own personal strength and calmness and I just accept myself which I really never did before, I was always thinking I wasn’t good enough. I accept help from others now too which is something I never did before.
-Rose Vetri
I had severe Fibromyalgia and was diagnosed with CPTSD. I’d tried everything and nothing seemed to work for me.
I’ve had more energy than I’ve ever had before, my mood has lifted, I can deal with the hard things and catch myself before I go down into a spiral, into depression.

In just 8 Weeks my symptoms reduced by 80% and I had reduced so much inflammation in my body, that I also lost 12kgs of unwanted weight, that I’d been struggling for years to lose and I’m off all medication. I can honestly say I have never ever felt so healthy and so well. My time with you has changed my life.
-Kerrie Graaf
I had no energy, no motivation. I didn't know what it was, I didn't know what was wrong with me because it was so different to anything I'd ever experienced before.
I spent the first few meetings with you in tears, to move from that even in the first few weeks was just incredible.

I think I felt amazing by about week three, from then it went up and down a bit, but eventually, I really came to have this great amount of energy and I couldn't have done it without you.
-Kate Taylor
Medical Scientist
I was very tired physically and mentally. I lacked enthusiasm and really was disconnected from myself. I was just ticking the boxes and going through daily life.
Within a couple of weeks all of my eczema just disappeared. I’ve battled with that for four or five years. My work team has become a lot closer in a very short period of time. We’ve completely done a full circle in productivity. Businesswise we have easily tripled our income for this quarter.

The biggest win for me is my own self-awareness, I’m really learning to love myself, it’s just absolutely turned the tables for me and I’m now doing activities I love, that I had forgotten about.
-Tamileigh Chirgwin
Business Owner
I've known Sally for years and naturally reached out to her when I was feeling stuck, physically and emotionally exhausted. 

Doing the work and committing time can be hard and confronting but seeing the change in myself and the rest of the beautiful ladies, which I had learnt so much from, was inspiring and motivating to want more change and more in life!
I love seeing the changes and the ease and flow this brings into my everything!
-Mel Rhodes
Sally was amazing. she really helped me identify what I want to achieve and how I can succeed. I am grateful for her insight and ability to get to the root issue and she helped me reframe the way I was looking at things and offer a fresh perspective
-Bec Foster
Sally is a beautiful soul who can guide you to your highest potential. If your feeling like life is a struggle, Sally has the tools to orchestrate your life into a dance, where every darkness will lead you to light. 
Connect with Sally, it’s the biggest gift you can give to yourself, your family and everyone around you.
-Nakala Maddock
Your work is amazing Sal! I would strongly recommend you to anyone who wants more in life! ❤❤❤
I love working with you and I love the new directions you send me!
You change my perspectives so many times, it's a great challenge.
Love it, love it, love it!
Thank you for being you xo 
-Brooke French
Business Owner
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